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My Work

Pictures of all kinds that i have taken over the years, they are sometimes of buildings, sometimes places. . .

There are animal ones, waterscapes, landscapes and so much more so settle down and enjoy having a look through

Some of my creative writing pieces are below but only little parts of them to see the rest you would have to look them up or ask to read more.

My Incubus

He stepped toward me

full in the moonlight
his body taking shape in the light
he pulled me into his arms
which were cold as ice
he slid his hands under my sweater
then I found his mouth

Chosen Wife

When he recalled his own behaviour

Towards the close of the day
A raw sense of guilt and insecurity
Wholly foreign to his forceful nature
Still assailed him
He rarely let himself think about it:
Going there was not productive
He had had to accept his wife's refusal
To even discuss what had happened that night
Her distress had silenced him

Un-bound But Never Forgotten

I am over the horrible mess that was caused in my life,

But I will never truly be free from the pain that was caused,
I see a daily reminder whenever I try to see
If anyone has posted work for me
Never again will I open up my world
Closed off from strangers
The pain still wedged deep in my heart
A link to the past


Just breathe my dear

Come on just for me
Keep your heart pumping for them
You cannot die yet

Something Very Controversial

I want to stand next to you, and feel my heart pounding...

I want to hold you, and get lost in everything you are...
I want to hold you, and have your energy build with mine...
I want us to bathe together in sensual passion....

The Darkness


Death. . . .

It has all begun

Inside me
Outside in the world

The Dark Creature

The creature from the dark pit

Has risen again,
It scratches at my skin
Screaming for release
It wants to get out
Wanting me to release

Creative Stories

New Love Found Chapter 1.​


When I first met my husband Leon I thought I loved him, but after one night of passion in Anthony's arms the week before I was going to marry Leon I knew that I was wrong. By then I just thought it was nerves that made me think differently and so I went ahead and married Leon, Soon after my marriage I found out I was pregnant I told Anthony and he was overjoyed but he also knew I couldn't tell Leon as he would be very angry and upset to the point he could harm both of us. So he said to just let Leon believe what he wanted to for now until we were ready to tell him the truth. After that we would meet up frequently when we could for coffee, a chat and go to our booked hotel room during the week. As ever since I found out I was pregnant I couldn't keep away from Anthony and the same him for me, since I was the only one for him and Leon wasn't interested in lovemaking with me as I had grown bigger with my pregnancy.

Anthony worried as for a whole month I hadn't been able to see him as Leon had begun to turn violent and very possessive of me and the children, he would go out and get blind drunk then come home and take out his frustration on me just like his brother Matt. I had suffered in silence for a whole month until Leon made the mistake of hurting me much too badly so I had to be taken into hospital. When Anthony heard I was injured he came to check on me but after seeing me with a broken arm, fractured wrist and several bruises on my chest. He immediately assumed I had been in a fight or an accident but when I told him the truth the fire I saw in his eyes just proved how much he cared. 


"I wont let you get hurt again Calico!" Anthony told me on the day I was going back home from the hospital, but before he could do anything he was called up into work. Anthony worked for the marines and was gone for two months. Whilst he was away Leon and I were in a terrible car accident which cost us our memories. Luckily nothing else was lost on that day, we were bruised up but nothing was broken but our minds.
It wasn't until Anthony's welcome home party, when he took me aside to dance with me for a while then when he leaned forward for a kiss I automatically moved to, then once our lips met all my memory came flooding back. I burst into tears and he knew I remembered everything, luckily Leon just thought I was just really happy and thought nothing more of it. Unfortunately Leon attacked me again not long after because he was frustrated by his lack of memory. That drove Anthony too far as he hugged me close one afternoon as I cried on his shoulder and he said he was going to take me away, so here's where the story goes next.

Love Conquers All

There are eight people standing in the graveyard of St. Mary’s church. The Weather is damp and dreary, it is coming up to 12 o’ clock noon and you can just make out the small furry outline of a red squirrel running toward the trees. It is very quiet. The vicar is coming to the end of his speech and Mr. Nicholas Tems is saying goodbye to his three brothers Jack, Daniel and Jake. All of a sudden the peaceful silence is broken by a loud squeaking noise. Nobody knows what it is but Nicholas knows it’s the sound of a car swerving in the road and quickly coming to finish the job.  Louise shouted at me 

“Come on, we better go now Nick as you and I both know the consequences if we don’t!” she was panicking because she knew if we didn’t leave then, then we would die trying to.                                                                                                                                    
“Look Louise I can’t go, you know we need to finish this!”                            
“No Nick we don’t, you know that if you stay you might die and I couldn’t bear to lose you again. Do you remember when they took you away and nearly killed you? You were lucky to survive, even to escape. Now please come on!”
“Louise I told you, as much as I love you you’ll never be safe with me until I finish this!”
She was so upset she just got into the car and with the tyres screeching she drove off, but as she did she didn’t notice the Stevenson brothers in their car-heading straight for her. When she did it was already too late. The Stevenson brother’s car smashed right into Louise’s as they quickly jumped out. Louise’s head was forced forward and smashed against the steering wheel, you could actually hear the crack of the skull fracturing and the rose red blood spouting out of her head. I reached out and shouted.                                                                                                                      “NO LOUISE....”
I started running frustrated and ready to kill the Stevenson brothers if they got in my way but the Stevenson brothers unexpectedly came up to the sides of me, grabbed my arms roughly and pulled me back towards a mausoleum where they shoved me in and slammed the door shut behind them. Inside there was about 3 or 4 coffins and Cole (the oldest of the Stevenson brothers) showed me a piece of long and sharp wood with nails sticking out of the one end. I was so frustrated I started lashing out but Jamie held me down whilst Cole started hitting me with the piece of wood, I felt a sharp pain explode in my right side but then my whole world went black.

The Lost Lover Chapter 1

The rain was slashing against the front window, the wind screen wipers kept slashing back and forth. The storm was getting worse yet I kept driving, I knew if I stopped I'd go back to him, and yet I just couldn't do that. Mickey would be found by Jessy anytime, it broke my heart to leave my son but I just had to, the tears came streaming down my cheeks, burning a path down my face then I heard the buzz of my mobile and quickly grabbed it, flipped it open and answered.

"Hello?" I said and swiped my eyes dry.
"Lilly, where are you?" It was Jessy. I could tell by his deep voice and smooth silky tone "Lilly!" He sounded impatient to talk to me, and that alone told me he was worried and angry at me for leaving him with our son.
"I'm driving down the M4." The car sped up a notch,
"Look Lilly come home," I heard a loud shriek then the click of a door close. My heart tore in two. "I need you Lilly so please come home, Mickey and I need you!"
"I-I can't, we need some space and you don't need me, you just want my unborn baby!" I shouted down the phone in anger as the tears came to my eyes again.
"NO! Damn it Lilly I love you and Mickey, look I'll come and get you—"the car swerved and I shouted a few choice curses "Lilly are you ok?" Jessy asked in a softer tone.
"I'm fine, look I'll come home to talk but then I'm leaving with Mickey!"
"Fine, just be careful you've got our baby there and take it slow on those roads ok."
  Half an hour later Jessy was opening the door to two police officers, who had grim faces. He placed Mickey in his cote thanking the gods he'd finally dropped off to sleep.
"What can I do for you officers?" he asked cheerfully
"Sir are you the husband of a Mrs Lillian Whishlett?" the officer asked Jessy
"Umm, well yes. Why? What's happened?" his pulse rate shot up his arm "Oh god what's happened to her?" he thought to himself.
"Mrs Whishlett was in a car accident about an hours drive from here, she was taken straight to the A and E department of the smaller hospital in Cardiff. We were told to come and collect you and her son as she has been calling out your name in her sleep."
Several minutes later Jessy was sitting by the sleeping form of his wife, watching her take deep breaths in her sleep then she whispered his name and her eyelids fluttered.
"Lilly? It's ok hunnie I'm here, I'm right here." He stroked away a stray lock of hair and kissed her forehead, Mickey started to cry and so he quickly cuddled him close and spoke calmly to him. "There, there my boy calm down now."
Lilly woke up and saw her son cradled in the arms of a large muscle built man with long brown hair that was around his shoulders, he had the brightest blue eyes she had ever seen, there was something familiar about him but she just couldn't figure out what it was.
"Who are you?" she asked him, expecting him to be a doctor or nurse. He looked confused for a minute but then he placed Mickey into the carry cot, where he gurgled quiet happily then came to sit facing her in the chair close to her bed.
"I'm your husband Lilly! Look at you rings they are engraved with our names and the date of our marriage." She looked at her ring then asked for his, he took his ring off then leaned close to her. "See Lilly? And this is our son Mickey, and—"he placed his hand over her swollen stomach "This is our unborn baby." He pulled back and left her to think. He stayed with her watching her trying to remember then as if exhausted she fell back asleep.
A few days later Jessy took Lilly home when she was ready. "She hit her head badly and has lost her memory but it should return in due time, if you have any questions you know where to find me ok." The doctor had told him when he was picking Lilly up.

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